Friday, July 9, 2010


Kamakura is as famous for its Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples as it is for the statue of the Great Buddha. At the Buddhist Temple we visited (I'll fill in the name later since I took notes in Japanese and can't read them...) we saw a statue of a saint who, to avoid falling asleep while meditating, cut off his eyelids to stay awake. Where the eyelids fell to the ground a tea plant grew, and tea helps people stay awake today. I may stick with Starbucks.

Shinto shrines are always identified by the large Torii gate at the entrance. The large barrels are sake', left at the shirne for blessing. Sometimes new cars are left there for a blessing as well.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Johon SENSEI(teacher),
    This is the statue of the Buddhist saint Dharma(DARUMA)at KENCHO-JI temple.
    I was really impressed by your knowledge for Japanese Culture and History.
    We hope you can remember Kamakura at anytime at Starbucks!
    Please visit Kamakura again, and I will take you to the temple of ENMA-DAI-O, the king of Hell,
    at the front of KENCHO-JI temple.
    Thank you very much for being with us.
