Monday, July 19, 2010


Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784. It is also home to a number of notable shrines and temples, along with a herd of aggressive deer. According to the legendary history of Kasuga Shrine, the god Takemikazuchi arrived in Nara on a white deer to guard the newly built capital of Heijō-kyō. Since then the deer have been regarded as heavenly animals, protecting the city and the country. A cute little "deer boy" is a symbol of the city.

The Buddhist temple of Todai-ji is the largest wooden structure in the world. It has to be, since it houses the largest bronze Buddha in the world. This Daibutsu is even larger than the famous statue at Kamakura. the current statue is over 400 years old.

Kasuga-taisha is a Shinto shrine famous for thousands of stone and bronze lanterns. They are all lit up for special festivals.

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